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SEO Agency In Chandigarh: 5 Step Selection Process

SEO Agency In Chandigarh: 5 Step Selection Process

How to Select the Best SEO Agency in Chandigarh?

The most crucial decision is to hire a good and professional SEO Agency in Chandigarh. An effective SEO agency will help your website climb the searches and rank on Google. However, it is never a simple task and you you need to find an agency that can understand your vision and also the mission of the company. 

So how can you find the right SEO Agency in Chandigarh?

You can follow certain steps to find the perfect match for your requirements. First of all, you need to check the current work of the company. For example, if you find this article in the ocean of Google, this itself proves that the company has done SEO and therefore it has landed in your searches. Antraajaal: a Chandigarh-based SEO Company has been in this field for the last seven years. However, let’s go through a few steps of finding the Best SEO Company In Chandigarh.

Previous Work

You can request the SEO Agency to show the search console of their existing clients so that you can have a fair idea of the keywords that are ranking. You can actually see a case study and decide. Below are attached some results from our clients’ search console. Since this is real data, you can now see the truth with your own eyes.

The above screenshots are for an educational website. You can see the traffic rising. You can see the improvements happening over a period of time. 

When this website was launched, the traffic was very low and metas were missing. Being a leading SEO Company in Chandigarh, we knew the importance of metadata and snippets. Even the schema and sitemap needed an update. We helped the company reach its goal.

The total clicks surged from 2070 per day to 4450 per day in a phase of 6 months. Most of the keywords are now ranking on number one postion and therefore they are ruling the search pages in their niche. As a layman also everyone is aware that more the impressions, the better organic traffic will be there. 

Keyword Selection

Keyword selection is a very important part of SEO strategy. The SEO agency knows well what strategy they should adopt. Mostly high high-traffic keywords are aimed to drive more traffic to the website. In certain cases, we can also select a few geo-centric keywords to drive local clients, for example – Digital Marketing Company In Chandigarh.

It usually depends upon the niche of the business. Once the strategy is set, you can go through the list of keywords. There are various tools available for keyword research. A good SEO Agency uses a combination of various tools to come to a conclusion. Initially long tail keywords are targeted and later the short ones. These keywords need to be updated regularly. It is also dependent on market trends, competitors, additions in services, and many more factors. 

The next step is to go to Google Keyword Planner and look for the volume of searches and their competition. Here again, the strategy comes into play. You can target low-competition keywords although the search volume may be medium. Sometimes, certain products have less market but the value of the product is very high. You can target such keywords since the conversions can fetch great results.

The above table shows the volume of searches for a particular keyword and the competition for it. The above is a screenshot for Google Keyword Planner. You may search for free keywords online and use them. Since Google Keyword Planner is also a free tool, many companies prefer using it. It is also helpful for paid ads on the Google platform.

The simple formula is to go to Google and search. If the results pop up then all is proved. For say, a type of Branding Company in Chandigarh, Let’s see if you find Antraajaal. If you did then all said above is proved.

Check The Content

The best tool that works for SEO is content. When we started our SEO Agency in Chandigarh, we followed the slogan “Content is King”. Even after several years, it holds true. Content is still the king and will always remain so. 

Antraajaal has an expert team of content curators. They help in writing the best and most informative content. When the user finds the content useful, they appreciate it. Google is a very customer-sensitive platform and if it finds its users happy, it will reward you in the form of a position. 

In this era of AI, where everything is smart, right from the users to providers. It is difficult to find original and good content. Antraajaal has a strategy of hiring teachers who have a flair for writing. Thus the content is of extremely good quality.

In fact, Antraajaal was started only with content writing services for blogs and websites. Gradually the services related to designing were added. Later on, in 2011 the digital marketing wing was started. To date, Antraajaal provides you with unique and rich content writing services for your websites and blogs. 

The very basis of any marketing or branding strategy is the content. Whether you talk about the company’s name, mission, vision, or any form of communication that is consumed by its target audience. Therefore a careful selection of a good agency is a must. 

Share Your Objectives

When you tie up with any company, it is like a partnership. It is very important to have a relationship with people who understand your objective. You must discuss the mission you want to achieve and the path that they suggest.

A good SEO Agency in Chandigarh will share the timeline and milestones. This prepares you for the amount of money you require and what would be the ROI. The goals you want to target, the audience you want to target, and the time frame that you have in mind must be shared with your agency.

Hiring an agency is like a partnership. You want them to see things the way you like. Always try to have regular meetings so that plans can be put on the table. Today in the era of digital meetings, things can even be discussed remotely.

You can have a quarterly review of rankings since SEO Takes time. Most of the results can be expected in 3 months. very short-tailed keywords with high searches can take a little longer. Remember, SEO is a consistent process and has to be carried on through out the lifetime of your digital existence. You will save a lot on advertisements and other forms of marketing. 

The prime objective of an SEO Agency is to drive relevant traffic. If I offer digital marketing classes then I need to show my link only to students who are interested in taking classes. If I offer Digital marketing services then my audience is businesses who are looking for digital marketing services.

Thus we need to segregate our audience and work on the keyword strategy accordingly. You must go through the attached screenshot below to see the traffic of the current website we are working on.

Review SEO Reports

Make sure that your SEO Agency shares the report on a regular basis. Go through the reports and check the quality of backlinks. Remember the game is not of quantity but quality. Sometimes less is More. If the backlinks are not on quality websites they may have a negative impact. Make sure to discuss this with your SEO Agency.

A good digital marketing agency works with ethics. They have a routine to share rankings and the list of keywords made. These keywords are updated on a monthly basis. The search terms are checked on various tools. It is important to see the volume of searches for a particular phrase or keyword. Sometimes the searches are low but the area is niche.

The strategy needs to be set before starting the work. But it needs to be updated every now and then. According to the market trends, policies, and various other factors. Competitor analysis is also a key role of SEO Agency in Chandigarh. The responsibility of a good digital marketing agency is to set trends rather than follow them. 

There are various other factors that help you choose the right SEO agency like Google Reviews, Years of experience, Team, Location, clientele, etc. It depends on what are you looking for in your agency. Your budget, location, Target Audience, and many other things matter.


If you want to stop spending on Google ads and ads on other search engines then you must start SEO and that too with the Best SEO Agency in Chandigarh. Do not compromise on the quality as it is better not to waste on poor SEO. Remember, Your Agency is your PARTNER!!

Although SEO is a time-consuming process but the results are worth it. If the SEO Agency that you choose is based locally then it becomes easier to set goals and also monitor. Antraajaal is an SEO Agency based in Chandigarh that provides premium SEO services that are result-driven. The reports are shared on a monthly basis and goals are set accordingly. 

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