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Should SEO audits be a part of your ongoing maintenance

More than two billion websites are hosted on the internet, and they are continually being modified, changed, and updated. Your website need continual upkeep in this changing climate, and SEO Audit should be a part of that. Including audits in your SEO routine allows you to discover and resolve important issues before they become serious and harm your search visibility.

Should SEO audits be a part of your ongoing maintenance

Alternatively, you might update all of the core updates, themes, and plugins only to discover that sitemaps have vanished, indexation has changed, or the internal link structure has changed. A glitch in the famous Yoast SEO plugin caused a problem for the 5+ million sites that used it a few years ago. Thousands of new pages were produced and indexed in Google for each website that utilized the plugin after a simple default configuration modification was put out in a plugin update.

As a result, several of my friends’ search ranks and traffic plummeted. One of my sites was affected, but owing to a periodic audit, experts were able to detect the problem. Pay attention to how the upkeep of your WordPress website impacts your SEO. 

What An SEO Audit Should Include?

An SEO Audit should, first and foremost, be comprehensive. It should include both structural and content elements that influence your SEO visibility. It should provide you a “broad picture” of what’s going on in your current situation. Any missing parts might lead to inappropriate or unneeded suggestions.

Your SEO Audit should be simple to comprehend. You should be able to draw the dots as a business owner to see how SEO difficulties are influencing your online priorities, goals, or earnings. Any and all suggestions should be clearly linked to your overall business goals. 

What An SEO Audit Should Include?

What An SEO Audit Must Not Have?

An SEO Audit should never be hurried. It only takes time to figure out what’s causing your online health problems. A thorough audit might take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to perform, depending on the size of your site. When making big modifications to a website, due diligence is necessary, and an SEO professional must undertake a comprehensive research in order to give accurate, impactful recommendations.

There is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” SEO Audit. While some technical aspects are essential for all websites, a situational analysis should be conducted at the start of an SEO audit to pinpoint areas of attention for that particular site.

What To Expect During And After An SEO Audit?

An SEO audit can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, as previously stated. The Best SEO Company In Chandigarh hire the SEO Specialist/Executive and the role of the candidate is to be analyzing and uncovering SEO opportunities on your website during this time. Bi-weekly or weekly check-ins, on the other hand, keep you and your team informed about progress.

A few low-hanging chances are uncovered in every website assessment. When new information like this comes to light, our staff will share it with you immediately away. This gives you the option to regain visibility while the rest of the audit is being completed.

SEO Is A Continuous Process Rather Than A One-Time Event

Most individuals make the mistake of thinking that a one-time SEO Audit is all they’ll ever need. You simply cannot update your website every month without having an influence on SEO. All of the hard work that has gone into making your website rank so highly may be undone by something as easy as amending your most recent blog post or upgrading a plugin.

The internet is continuously developing, and the algorithms used by search engines are always altering as well. These algorithmic and internet updates might bury your once-optimized website behind a mountain of updated and SEO-friendly competition. Here are a few reasons why regular SEO maintenance and SEO Audit is so important for your company.

Editing Or Publishing Website Content

You might be wondering how adding useful information to your website could possibly be harmful. Isn’t it intended to improve, not damage, your SEO? The reality is that while changing or adding material to your website, you must follow a broad set of criteria. Your most recent blog post might be entertaining to read, but it still uses HTTP instead of HTTPS to load images, has incorrect header tags, and too many external links. In your quest to rank well on search engines, this might be detrimental. 

Editing Or Publishing Website Content

Links That Are Broken Or Outdated

Links that have been deleted, broken, or are no longer active are more prevalent than you may believe. It’s possible that the page you linked to has moved, or that the product you recommended is no longer available. Manually checking every outbound link on your website is insane, but we’ll look at various tools that can help you speed up the process. They not only crawl all of your website’s pages, but they also give an in-depth analysis of everything that needs to be fixed. 

Broken Links

Checks For On-Page SEO

After crawling your website, you’ll be confronted with a large amount of data. Don’t be intimidated by it; it’s not as difficult as it appears. Ahrefs Site SEO Audit and Website Auditor both break down this data into reports, which is useful for getting a broad picture of where your site stands. However, experts prefer Screaming Frog CSV exports for diving further into specific issues.

Page names and headers, meta descriptions, keyword use (often keyword stuffing), and everything else on your checklist will be checked here. You’ll be able to see whether tags are too short, too long, missing, duplicate, and so on, depending on whatever crawling tool you’re using. 

SEO Audits – Examine The Health of  Your Website

It’s one thing to have a great SEO plan in place; keeping it bulletproof with regular SEO maintenance is what truly gives your company an edge. SEO audits can assist you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be on Google’s search results pages. If you care about the SEO of your website, you’ll need to audit it more than once or twice a year. If you’re unsure about completing a thorough SEO Audit on your own, or just don’t have the time, it’s a good idea to hire someone to do it for you. Just make sure it’s not a one-time occurrence.

Evolving Algorithms

A search engine’s algorithms are always evolving in order to make it more efficient and beneficial for its consumers. This means that every month, new variables might be used to rank websites. To know how to optimize your website, you must first understand what is happening with each algorithm change.

When search engine algorithms change, SEO trends shift as well. What was formerly a significant ranking criteria may no longer be so following the most recent algorithm upgrade. Understanding how algorithms change can assist you identify which SEO trends are currently beneficial to your continuing optimization. 

Search Engine Algorithms

Keyword Volume And Intent Change

Keyword search volume, trends, and intent may all change, just like algorithms. When a searcher uses specific terms or phrases in an internet search, this is referred to as purpose. It is usually preferable to select keywords based on search intent and align content with what is currently rewarded.

Your content will never rank organically if you employ keywords without knowing the underlying idea behind the phrase. In certain cases, keywords underperform and need to be changed with fresh prospects that will help your company create quality leads and money. 

Keyword Volume And Intent Change

Information Becomes Stale

It’s all too simple for information to become stale and useless, especially in the era of technology. This devalues your website’s competence, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, as well as E-A-T. If your website has outdated or incorrect information, Google will consider it a bad user experience and will not rank your page where visitors can discover it.

Visitors to the site may also find such material to be unhelpful and go on to locate more credible information elsewhere. Repurposing and renewing material is therefore critical and should be done on a regular basis!

Ongoing SEO Projects What Should Your Company Do To Optimize Its Website?

Make fresh content. E-A-T will play an even bigger part in algorithm adjustments with the next Google Page Experience Update. Content is one of the most effective methods to express a high-quality E-A-T on your website.

According to Antraajaal, make it a point to build and populate your website with unique, trustworthy, and current material! This is a good strategy to keep your site’s SEO up to date and show search engines that the user experience is always improving. It also shows Google that you’re working on developing your site and adding value with new material on a regular basis.

Repurpose Material That Already Exists

Update your material if it becomes obsolete due to fresh information or if it is no longer up to date with new algorithms or SEO trends. Repurposing current material on your website is just as vital as developing fresh content for an efficient SEO campaign. Repurposing articles, landing pages, videos, and anything else results in a bad user experience, obsolete content, and unresolved issues. 

Carry Out A Site Audit

Site audits are an ongoing SEO work that should be performed on a frequent basis since a lot can happen on a website in a short period of time and things can fall between the cracks. Every six months, do a website audit to uncover technical issues that need to be addressed, such as 404 errors, redirection eroor, alt text is missing of the picture, and indexing difficulties.

Remove Any Unnecessary Stuff 

You may also delete any obsolete or superfluous information as an easy continuing SEO effort. As previously said, there are pages that can be repurposed, but there are other pages that no longer serve the website after a specific period of time. Keeping sites that don’t produce traffic or conversions for your company isn’t a good idea because it eats up important crawl budget space.

This implies that search engines will spend time scanning irrelevant pages on your website and may overlook the most vital pages. Cleaning up and eliminating old material may help your site’s SEO and general relevancy, therefore it’s a chore that should be done on a regular basis.

Redirect Chains Should Be Cleaned Up 

According to the SEO Agency In Chandigarh, Internal links are an important part of any SEO plan, but the more you employ on your site, the simpler it is to go out of control. A redirect should be used when pages are withdrawn or become broken. Too many redirects, on the other hand, are bad for a website’s SEO, so be careful when adding and removing pages.

Internal links that have not been immediately updated with the new live URL might result in redirect chains and loops when redirects are used. Redirect chains and loops are not recommended since they can degrade the user experience, devalue the link juice, and slow down the page performance. Make it a continuous process of improvement.



According to the Antraajaal, your website is the “brains” of your online business, it’s vital to keep an eye on it on a regular basis to ensure everything is running well. It’s also worth mentioning that your website is a living, breathing digital asset that seldom stays the same for long. Over the course of the year, new and/or removed content is added to your website. For this reason, audits should be performed on a regular basis. According to us, websites should be checked at least once a year. As a consequence, your teams will be able to deal with major problems as they arise.

After your audit, you should focus on other aspects of SEO to ensure that you remain competitive. After all, a strong technological basis isn’t enough to guarantee SEO success. If your business relies on people visiting a physical location, it’s critical to keep an eye on your competitors’ SEO activity, stay up with the latest search engine best practices, and maintain local SEO best practices. All of these are essential components of a good SEO plan, and they should be carried out in tandem with your SEO Audit and regular SEO maintenance. To gain more fruitful information, then stay updated with –


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